• ça fait trèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèès longtemps.....

    ça fait trèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèès longtemp XD!
    bon je poste un article surement le dertneir avant des siecles...juste pour avoir l'htlm d'une image.... by me!by me

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    Samedi 7 Août 2010 à 06:38

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    Jeudi 4 Novembre 2010 à 10:32

    You'll often see Louis Vuitton with Hollywood stars and other celebrities. They are then set up on Hollywood Star magazines, and of course, the Louis Vuitton Bags are pointed out.小强测试!!!

    Vendredi 26 Novembre 2010 à 04:35
    But as more people used Viagra , they discovered some limitations: for some men, having to time sexual activity around the pill (or taking the pill to coincide with sexual activity) took some of the spontaneity out of sex. All the ingredients is historically proven that have a great contribution to the men sexual desire problems.
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